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  • Eventech UK Starcloth Hire
  • Eventech UK Starcloth Hire

Starcloth & Starlight Backdrop Hire


Our Starcloth & Starlight Backdrop hire will transform any room giving a complete lift and sense of occasion from an awards ceremony to a wedding reception.

Our extensive range of starcloths will cover almost any area and industry standard pipe and base systems ensure we can install any cloth, anywhere you’d like – from a simple 6m x 3m backdrop through to a complete room draping.

We have both Black and White cloths available – ideal for all occasions.

Whatever your requirements our star cloth will certainly give any room the ‘WOW’ factor and sure to impress.

Our starcloths are all LED, meaning no hot glass bulbs and no dangerous, sharp fibre optics to worry about. Being LED also means we can run several cloths from one controller and one power supply, saving time and money.